The karmic universe and me

I had a really interesting day yesterday. Me and my family boarded a very early morning (mouse infested) train to Mumbai to spend the day with my Dad’s Reiki Master.

My Dad got into reiki a few months ago, initially to heal himself but now he is spreading the reiki love and healing many other things including us and our minor ailments. I didn’t really know much about reiki until a few months ago, other then it being some sort of spiritual alternative medicine where by energy is channelled through a persons hands to heal stuff. I think it’s a bit like what Mr Miyagi does to Daniel Son at the end of the first Karate Kid movie when he gets injured during the All-Valley Karate tournament. Daniel Son then goes on to defeat the baddy from the Cobra Kais and wins the tournament….but that is nothing to do with anything. I just love that movie! 🙂

Anyway, where was I?! Yeah, so we decided we’d all like to meet this guy and find out more about reiki and whilst there get our chakras balanced. Chakras are energy nodes in our body that run from the base of our spine to the top of our head. Each chakra corresponds to distinguishing characteristcs and an aspect of consciousness. I don’t want to go into too many details here and explain all there is to know about your chakras but basically if your chakras are blocked or out of balance it can lead to certain illnesses or mental imbalances. So we wanted to get ours checked, unblocked and get the energy flowing just as it should be.

The process was some what strange. I had to lie down while different chakra stones were placed on me and the healing hands got to work. At first I expected to just slip into a relaxed state and eventually fall asleep. But that didn’t happen. It’s hard to put into words really. I was aware of the noises and what was going on around me even though I had my eyes closed but at the same time my mind was also elsewhere. A bit like being in a semi dream state. And what felt like 10 minutes actually lasted 45!

After this he explained that my root chakra was partially blocked and because of this I may have been experiencing fear and low levels of confidence. He was pretty spot on in to be honest. I’m feeling a million times better then say 6 months ago but with me going home next week without my folks, the thought of being on my own and facing the dreaded job hunt etc. has got me a little scared. As for the confidence. Same. I’ve got enough to get me thinking positively again, but I think I’m still  a bit of a way off from being completely happy in myself. He also said that my crown chakra  was almost completely open. Apparently a blocked crown chakra can lead to depression. Funny that!

Then it got really strange. He said that during the process he could see into my mind. Snapshots of memories. A look into my black box if you like. But not just of my life now. Nope, he said he could see into my past life as well. Now as Hindus we believe in reincarnation and in karma. What goes around, comes around…in this life or the next. But what he told me next was well spooky! He told me about the kind of person I had been in my past life. The things I had done and how it connected to my life now. Let’s just say I wasn’t a very nice man….yes I was a man. Again I don’t want to go into specifics as its more personal then I would like to get but according to him the things that happened to me that subsequently dragged me deeper and deeper into a black hole over the last few years was quite simply pay back for the person I was then.

So you’re probably thinking why did I believe any of it? How can it be true?  Well he knew stuff. Things about me from before and stuff that is happening now or in the next few weeks. There were links. Big ones. And things just seemed to make sense all of a sudden. He also added that things are about to start turning around and I’ve got good things ahead. So that made me feel better. Now this is not to say I’m now taking every word he said as gospel. Yes I do believe things happen for a reason but I also believe that we still have a certain amount of control over these so called things.

I think I’ve gone off on a bit of a tangent again haven’t it?! I suppose where I’m going is that I’m finding comfort in this spiritual healing. The yoga, the meditation and now the reiki. All of them are about using our energy in different ways to bring us to a point of physical and mental stability and to connect us to the universe. It’s not for everyone and to be honest I never thought it was for me. But if it works then I’m going with it. As for the past life stuff. Well I often said to myself when I was going through my dark days that I must have been a terrible person in my previous life. How much truth there is in all of this I don’t know. But if it is true? Well, what more can I say except that karma most certainly is a b*tch!